Re: DC in XHTML2

(cc: list trimmed massively; public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf list added)

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 20:27 +0200, Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
> Johannes Koch wrote:
> > 
> > Phil Archer wrote:
> > 
> >> <div id="titanic" property="label:hasClassification" 
> >> resource="age:twelve">
> >>  <span property="dc:title" class="title">Titanic</span>
> >>  <a href="">See the movie</a>
> >> </div>
> > 
> > 
> > I think this approach is too limited, as it only permits one tripel per 
> > element. What do you do when you want more? Wrap the div in another div?
> > 
> > <div id="titanic" property="label:hasClassification" resource="age:twelve">
> >  <div property="foo:duration" resource="bar:105">
> >   <span property="dc:title" class="title">Titanic</span>
> >   <a href="">See the movie</a>
> >   </div>
> > </div>
> > 
> > No no
> How about using N3? For example:
> <div
>    id="titanic"
>    properties="label:hasClassification age:twelve; foo:duration bar:015">
>    <span property="dc:title" class="title">Titanic</span>
>    <a href="">See the movie</a>
> </div>
> The syntax would be that of N3, starting at rule "propertylist":

Interesting idea, but I don't think it will fly. Creating micro-syntaxes
inside attribute 
values is tempting, but with each step it takes us away from the world
of generic
XML processing (XSLT, XPath, DOM etc).

I do support the idea of adding/changing whatever needs to be done to
URI-based property values to be represented with qnames, though. It is
safe imho to allow URIs and qnames to be mixed in a single attribute, so
this might 
mean adding a new attribute. But it will do wonders for the readability
of the resulting metadata, as well as encourage the use of controlled
value spaces for 
classification (SKOS/folksonomy/dc:subject etc.). I appreciate that the
HTML WG are naturally wary of adding more attributes, but in this case
there seems to be 
a solid use case with significant (news, dublin core) usage scenarios. 


Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 00:15:02 UTC