Re: Correct usage of the q element

On Saturday 2004-02-14 18:05 -0500, Karl Dubost wrote:
> Le 13 févr. 2004, à 13:20, Christoph Päper a écrit :
> >  <q lang="fr">&sq;L'État, c'est moi.&eq;</q>
> >
> >the entity references are computed to « + thin space and thin space + 
> >».
> >
> no. The type of quotes has nothing to do with the contained language 
> but with the container.

I've been told [1] that this isn't really true for German.

Anyway, I think putting the burden of choosing correct quotation marks
on the user agent is a bad idea.  Different languages have different
rules on context, and different speakers of those languages disagree on
what the rules should be [2].  Thus it's hard to get correct most of the
time even for the most common languages, even with a large amount of
code that would enlarge and slow down user agents.   Also, those writing
languages with relatively fewer speakers will be unable to use the
"correct" markup and have it displayed correctly, since it's even less
likely that user agents will correctly support their language's
quotation rules.


[2] Read through if
    you want to see some disagreement on rules.

L. David Baron                                <URL: >

Received on Saturday, 14 February 2004 18:30:41 UTC