Re: Expansion of the summary tag

> I would personally like to see a summary or description tag for the head
> section of an XHTML document. [...]

There already is a sufficient mechanism offered by meta elements, only
designed to provide additional information about the associated document (meta
data are 'data about data', CMIIW). In the mentioned case, you can e.g. use one
of the following elements

    <meta name="description" content="(document description)" />
    <meta name="DC.Description" content="(document description)" />

to describe and summarize your document.

> [...] As a further suggestion, might I suggest that for both the title and

> the summary [...]

There is at least the flaw that you cannot use several 'title' and 'summary'
IDs on a single page, and I furthermore question this suggestion in general

Best regards,

Jens Meiert
Interface Architect

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2004 04:26:09 UTC