Re: Headline: Styles pondering desertion to Content!

> Likely.  I call grading-dohickies "content" because they are "the data" 
> of the grading process.  Teacher added data.  Its is not to "adorn" the 
> original content.  Or is it?  :/  I'm not well versed with all the 

You are making two mistakes:

1) you are confusing imlementations with the underlying requirements.
   Particular markup styles are implementations of underlying concepts and
   a structural markup language should identify the underlying concept,
   not the representation of it.

2) you are assuming that [X]HTML is intended to be the ultimate document
   markup language, when it is actually intended to be a simple one,
   with languages like DocBook for more sophisticated use.

Received on Friday, 6 February 2004 02:12:57 UTC