Re: AW: XHTML 2.0 and hreflang and type

> <span type="image/png, image/gif; q=0.1" src="../images/115">
>  Image #115
> </span>

This will return a GIF if the client believes that GIF is more than
ten times better than PNG, e.g. because it knows it cannot handle
PNG alpha channels and it thinks there is a high risk that one might
be present but coded as a transparent colour index in the GIF.

> <span type="image/png" src="../images/115.png">
>  <span type="image/gif" src="../images/115.gif">

This will return PNG if the client believes that it can handle PNG 
at all.

They are not the same.

Received on Thursday, 13 November 2003 02:34:53 UTC