Re: XHTML 2.0 User Agent Conformance

Ineke van der Maat wrote:

>Hello Lachlan,
>>For any other XML document with a DOCTYPE, UAs (incl. Netscape and IE)
>stop and
>display error messages for invalid documents; Why should this be any
> different for XHTML?<
>This is not different for xhtml, at least when you serve xhtml as
>application/xml+xhtml, application/xml or text/xml.
>(I had this last night testing a xhtml site served as
>application/xhtml+xml and with  a xml-stylesheet-proces instruction on
>the server before validating.)
>Ineke van der Maat
Thanks for the tip.  I just set up my Apache Tomcat 4.1 server (just 
running on localhost) to serve as application/xhtml+xml instead of 
text/html and got the same result if I put an error in the page.

Though, I still think it would be wise if UAs did the same thing when 
they encountered the future XHTML 2.0 DOCTYPE (or even XHTML 1.1).  That 
way, authors would see the error when editing the files locally without 
a server.

Received on Saturday, 1 November 2003 08:20:58 UTC