favicon.ico vs <link> - add link type for shortcut icon?

Mozilla supports doing favicons via the <link rel="shortcut icon"> or <link
rel="icon"> method, and used to do an aggressive search for favicon.ico, but
that was turned off. IE does the aggressive search whenever you bookmark the
site, but also supports (as far as I know) the link method. That means whenever
you bookmark a site in IE, you get erroneous log entries if you don't have

A browser shouldn't be searching for a file unless its requested via the html
document. This is obviously an old issue, but couldn't we add "shortcut icon"
or just "icon" and "shorcut" meaning the same thing (and working if placed
together) into http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/types.html#type-links?

If you don't want that and other extensions to be part of the actual spec,
could you have a clause mentioning other common de-facto link types?

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Received on Friday, 27 June 2003 12:05:34 UTC