broadcast and p2p media


I have been working with digital television technology for the past few years. During this time I have observed a definite media convergence trend. Some thoughts have come to mind that I think you guys might have good insight into. I have couple of suggestions for the xhtml working group.

1) Introducing a tag for linking peer-to-peer content

<a keywords="Britney Spears">My favourite music</a>

The tag above would open the resident p2p file swapping software and search for Britney Spears content on the chosen p2p-network

2) Introducing a tag for linking television content directly from a web page

<a href="tv://">

Clicking on this link would open a television viewing software for your television receiver card and tune to the right channel. If you have a personal video recorder functionality available the clicking would save future programs automatically.  

So what do you think? 

1) Have these things already been tackled somewhere?

2) I'm not sure whether the broadcast link should point to a SMIL document or directly to a broadcast channel. 

3) What should be the right URI format? Some of the TV Anytime Content Resource ID (CRID) work might be applicable... 

4) Maybe the object tag should be used for launching p2p and television plugins

I haven't found too much information on efforts in this direction. I am aware of the work of the "Television and the Web" interest group, but it was closed and I have understood they mostly concentrated on providing web-pages on television platforms. I'm more interested in offering television services on personal computer platforms. 
I have followed the TV Anytime and TV Anytime work, but this personal computer perspective hasn't really been discussed yet. I would like to know more about the state of television <-> web convergence and the related standardization work. So if you would be so kind as to point me to the right direction I would be very thankful. 

Best Regards,


Raino Annala, Research Engineer
Elisa Research, Helsinki/Finland

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 07:54:16 UTC