Re: broadcast and p2p media

> I have been working with digital television technology for the past few 
> years. During this time I have observed a definite media convergence trend. 

Not too surprising.  The web basically caught the TV industry off guard in
their plans to introduce video on demand about a decade ago and they
are beginning to regain control (the web temporarily gave the consumers 

> 1) Introducing a tag for linking peer-to-peer content

You are proposing an attribute...

> <a keywords="Britney Spears">My favourite music</a>

This is already supported by HTML but the details are outside the scope of
HTML.  This can be satisfied by the definition of an appropriate URI format.
It may even be possible to do it using a URN - possibly a recording artist
URN name space.  P2P simply confuses the issue by raising intellectual
property questions that relate to the recipients use of the markup, rather
than the markup itself.

>  <a href="tv://">

This isn't even a new attribute.  It seems to me that this represents a URN and
therefore ought to be in URN notation.  It requires the TV industry to define a
standard for identifying programs, not the web community.  It's possible they
already have one: books have ISBNs and paper periodicals have ISSNs.
In reality, it is more likely to work at the moment in the form of a normal HTTP URL.

In none of these cases is any change to the HTML specification needed.

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 08:27:15 UTC