Re: <note> may be a good idea... was (Proposal for XHTML 2.0: The <footnote> element)


2003-01-16T21:12:40Z you wrote:
> I do think that note is worthy.  It is basically saying that this
> particular thought is outside the main context of the document...
> I
> like that idea and user agents can go right past the note without
> disrupting the flow of the text (thinking of non-visual user agents).
Uh-huh. So you claim the blind users are not supposed to read those
notes. Is this the goal of the proposed element?

I guess you probably meant blind users should still have some
mechanism to access the note. Which is usually solved by a combination
of 'volume', 'speech-rate', and other ACSS properties. How does this
imply a need for a new element?

"Thoughts that are outside the main context" are found in every second
(if not in every) text, your message is not an exception. Marking
"think of non-visual user agent" with a <note> element is quite
irrelevant, isn't it? As it's been mentioned, there are other "thought
types" and comparing them all to the new elements is definitely not
the thing you would like to see.

In this connection a simple rule for taking new elements in could be
made: elements are for marking types (or blocks) of texts, not types
of thoughts.

> Creating foot notes may be a markup that should be considered..
P. S. Please do not cite the whole (!) e-mail when replying if you
prefer top posting.
P. P. S. I'm glad the 'style' attribute discussion is approaching
completion, thanks to Ian's summary.

  Alexander "Croll" Savenkov                                   

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2003 18:10:30 UTC