Re: xhtml2 and user groups

on 16-01-2003 21:04, Albert Lunde at wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 04:06:42PM +0100, Veith Risak wrote:
>> Many detailed pros and cons are discussed, but I think there are (at least)
>> two user (author-) groups with quite different needs:
>> - "academic" and
>> - "commercial" users.
>> "Academic users" are interested in clearly structured documents, with high
>> temporal stability (think of reviewed documents of highest quality of
>> content, which can be cited for a long time, ...
> [...]
>> "Commercial users" are much more interested in presentation aspects, the look
>> and feel for readers, interaction aspects, security, ....
> This is a misleading way to label the divisions. I am from academia, but
> I'd like a style attribute.

I think that Veith has described two extreme positions (white and black)
fully conscious that between them (like between white and black) there are a
lot of shades (like shades of gray). Describing 2 extreme positions as
significative doesn't automatically exclude the others, but should help to
understand them.

I'm both academic and commercial, I write documents for the university
(usually both for web and printing, xhtml and pdf) and I create websites for
work as informationa rchitect and graphic designer.
As 'academic' I prefer the position (1) I have described in my past mail
'define a goal for xhtml', as 'commercial' I prefer position (2) in the same
Lorenzo De Tomasi, student of Information Architecture, Interface Design and
Visual Design
via Bellaria 6, 21018 Sesto Calende (Varese), Italia
phone: +39 (0)331 924649
mobile: +39 329 3941065; +39 333 8979304
ICQ uin: 11313132
Yahoo! Instant Messenger id: tummait

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2003 16:54:38 UTC