Re[2]: XHTML 2.0 considered harmful

2003-01-16T00:14:55Z fantasai wrote:

> Mikko Rantalainen wrote:
>> Glazman said that id + CSS had some issue with namespaces. No further
>> explanation provided.
> He means, I think, that once you use an ID or a class to associate
> style with an element, you cannot re-use that ID or class for a
> different purpose. Therefore, if I need to color one thing red just
> once, and I must create a class "special" for to style it, I cannot
> use "special" for any other purpose. If I instead use a style
> attribute, "special" is not taken and can be used for other things.
Can't believe my eyes. fantasai is saying that classes cannnot be
reused. I also don't believe you don't remember classes can be
combined. A carefully composed stylesheet usually resolves the issues
with duplications.

The strongest argument for protecting XHTML2 against 'style' is the
language itself. The *new* language (if someone decided to rip 'style'
out of the, say, HTML4 then Mikka would definately change his mind).
  Alexander "Croll" Savenkov                                   

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 18:03:47 UTC