Re: Three design-related (HTML or CSS) elements for your consideration

Hi, Rob --

> If you can't see what I'm getting at, then I have nothing else to say on the
> matter.

I /can/ see what you are getting at, and I believe you can 
see what /I'm/ getting at; but what I don't understand is
why there should be discord.  /Of course/ aesthetics matter
(in the aural world as much is in the visual, which is why
American-voiced  answer'phones are such an abomination in
the English-but-not-American-speaking world), but they aren't
/everything/.  CSS is evolving to give you every possible
control over the aesthetics, whilst [X][HT]ML is evolving
to give you every possible control over the semantics.  
Mikko was advocating that /all/ web authors, amateur or
professional, should concentrate on getting the semantics
right first, then using CSS to control the appearance/aesthetics.
I can't see what problem you could have with that.

** Phil.

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 13:45:40 UTC