Re: get selection from screen

li zhang cis student wrote:

>Hi, all
>Is there any browser that allows users to select
>strings from the screen, and get the location and content
>of selected string from the HTML page?
>For example, if the browser displays an HTML page,
>and the user uses mouse to select some string, now
>I want to know the location of the string in the
>HTML page. (instead of using "select" and "Copy" in
>the navigator, and then searchs this string in
>the whole page, then get the position. Because
>if there are many strings with the same content,
>then how can you tell which one does the user
>select? ). Do I need to write some plugins?
Internet Explorer supports it through a proprietary DOM extension.

Brant Langer Gurganus

Received on Thursday, 2 January 2003 18:10:48 UTC