Re: XHTML 2.0: Suggestion for <addr/> and <blockaddr/> to replace <address/>

Karl Dubost wrote:
> You could achieve the same presentation and the same meaning with:
> Example 1 (not valid now)
> ==========
> <p>If you need more information write to: <address>Acme Inc. 42, Main 
> Street, Douglas City</address>.</p>
> ==========
> in CSS,    p address {display: block;}
> Example 2
> ==========
> <p>If you need more information write to:</p>
> <address>Acme Inc. 42, Main Street, Douglas City</address>
> ==========

I think I'd have to disagree with this. In my view <address>/<addr> does 
not apply just to street adresses and so it has different structural 
meaning for different types of addresses.


You can get in touch with me via my e-mail address, <addr 


Or send me snail-mail at the address:

Andy Holmes<br/>
123 Nowhere St.<br/>
New York, NY 66666<br/>

These quite obviously differ in more than presentation, although you are 
right that it could be easy to be confused about the difference between 
presentation and structure in some cases. I hope I've made it a little 
clearer how I believe these two differ structurally...

- Andy

Received on Friday, 5 December 2003 22:34:57 UTC