Re: Object and New Insert Code Element

David Woolley wrote:

>>object takes the file and treats it like a movie or media file. It 
>>doesn't just simply insert the code which would work a lot better.
>In what way would it work better?
It would work better if it would simply insert the code.

>>Using SSI the file has to be on the same domain. That is my reason for 
>>passing it.
>Cross domain inclusion tends to involve severe copyright problems.  Are
>you the person who posted on a similar topic recently and clearly didn't
>believe in the right of anyone to impose copyright restrictions?
>Whether or not that is the case, it is fairly clear you have a non-standard
>requirement.  You need to explain the underlying requirement, probably 
>justify why XHTML 2 should cater for that requirement, and then give
>your proposed solution to the requirement that would benefit from a new
>feature, and if not then obvious, why existing mechanism won't work.  If
>you are proposing cross-domain inclusion, you also need to explain the
>security model under which it will work.
No I'm not against copyright restrictions. This is only for other people 
so they can use their guestbook which is hosted on my site, on their 
site. Sort of like remote cgi hosting.

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 17:20:29 UTC