Re: Object and New Insert Code Element

On Thu, 10 Apr 2003 16:05:26 -0400, Arthur Wiebe <> 
> I tried to use XInclude and from what I tried I don't think I can use 
> XInclude on a XHTML 1.1 page. Am I right or wrong? (I hope I'm wrong)

You can use xinclude elements together with XHTML 1.1 elements in an XML 
document. But
1) this would not be a valid XHTML 1.1 document (because thre are no 
xinclude elements/attributes in the XHTML 1.1 DTD);
2) you probably don't want to serve that to today's browsers.

There are some server-side implementations of xinclude (e.g. Apache's 
Cocoon framework).

Johannes Koch

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 16:37:24 UTC