Re: My comments on the XHTML 2 draft.

Etan Wexler wrote:
>>I don't think the class attribute should be used [to denote kinds of
> This is just the case for which the 'class' attribute is suited.  Can
> you elaborate your opposition?

Because you're not denoting a "class" of content, you're denoting a 
"type", IMO. What type of section is this? It's a footer section. Also, 
I thought that the class attribute was for author's to add their own 
groupings, when they needed them. Surely the standards themselves could 
include more specific ways of denoting elements.
>>Maybe a meta="" attribute?
> I fail to see how the type of section is metadata.

It's data telling you what that section is about... data about data.

>>Two values I'd [like] to see 
>>recommended by the W3C would be "content" and "navigation". This would 
>>also replace the need for footer, navigation, etc attributes that some 
>>people have been calling for.
> I think that you meant "element types" in place of "attributes".


> Anyhow, the use of distinct element types allows each a distinct content
> model and a distinct place in the content models of other element types.
> I am not arguing that this benefit is reason enough to add the proposed
> element types, but I am arguing to consider the benefit carefully.

I'm just saying on a base level they're all just different sections of 
the content.

>><em><em> should not be 
>>used... it seems stupid, IMO. You're either emphasising or you're not. 
>>You don't emphasise an emphasis.
> Is the following example illegitimate?
> <quote><em>All right, <em>Dad</em>, I get the point.</em></quote>

Say it out loud. You don't (or I don't anyway) start saying a sentence 
with emphasis, and then emphasise something inside that emphasis. An 
emphasis should be a small point, not an entire sentence.

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Received on Friday, 6 September 2002 03:11:06 UTC