Re: My comments on the XHTML 2 draft.

Lachlan Cannon <> writes:

> Say it out loud. You don't (or I don't anyway) start saying a sentence
> with emphasis, and then emphasise something inside that emphasis. An
> emphasis should be a small point, not an entire sentence.

In certain typesetting situations one uses italic fonts for quoting a
sentence or two.  Emphasized text within the quoted text needs to be
so represented, and this is commonly done by using roman text within
the italic text.  In a content markup this would be correctly modeled
by <emph> within <emph>; all processors should understand it to have
order 2 effect, i.e., <emph> within <emph> within <emph> is the same
as simple <emph>.

                                    -- Bill

Received on Friday, 6 September 2002 08:32:04 UTC