Re: HTML has, probably, confusing date format

*Cyril* <>:
> [Christian Wolfgang Hujer wrote:] ---------------

My spam filter ate this thread for some reason, so I'm trying gmane ...

>> And how am I supposed to *easily* compare Jan / Feb / Mar for sorting?
> If the goal is simplifying
> sorting dates then there is more easy way of a date performing,

The other goal is to remain human readable and widely understandable.

> by a 36 bits integer of seconds from birthday of Christ till a datetime.

Sorry, but you must either be ignorant, dumb or a troll.

> How many times do others demand to localize,

You're currently demanding to localize one of the few almost globally accepted

> And, thanks to this format, the trend, the practice of presenting
> month information by digits, may be widely deployed in the future

Isn't that great? If the US also got rid off AM/PM and used only the metric
system, the world would become a better place.

> what I consider as a main defect of this date format.

You don't have much contact with foreigners, do you?

Christoph Päper

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2002 12:36:58 UTC