Re: Subheadings desired in XHTML 2.0

Etan Wexler <>:
> How does XHTML 2.0 deal with subheadings?  How should XHTML deal with
> subheadings?

You should have given an example, to avoid misunderstandings.

  The Lord of the Rings 2   <-- heading (Foo)
    - The Two Towers -      <-- subheading (Bar)
        by J.R.R. Tolkien   <-- ?

> <h>Foo
>    <sh>Bar</sh></h>
> <h>Foo
>    <h>Bar</h></h>

I think these are the only logic variants, else you had a document with only
a subheader (3) or two equally weighted headings (4). I also thought of


because Foo is at a higher level than Bar. Just like <em><em> is *more*
emphasized than a single <em>.
Right now (XHTML 1), I'm fine with

  <hX>Foo <span>Bar</span></hX>

Christoph Päper

Received on Saturday, 9 November 2002 06:45:24 UTC