RE: JHTML: Forgot

I'm not sure if I know exactly what you mean. Can I pass data through the
url to the JavaScript-routine? And what, for example, does the routine do
with it? And is it server- or clientside? [is there something like
'serverside javaScript'?]

I tried running your script to see it work but I got some errors wich I
couldn't solve straight away.

[By the way: is asp comparable to CGI? I use that myself]


#-----Original Message-----
#From: Pd Rippe []
#Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 10:11 PM
#To: 3x; HTML-list
#Subject: Re: JHTML: Forgot
#Totally can do that with Javascript....wait one sec,, here it
#function GetToken(strSource,strName,cSep){
#    var strRet="";
#    var iOffset;
#    var iEnd;
#    if(strSource.length>0){
#  iOffset=strSource.indexOf(strName);
#        if(iOffset!=-1){
#            iOffset+=strName.length+1;
#            iEnd=strSource.indexOf(cSep,iOffset);
#            if(iEnd==-1){
#                iEnd=strSource.length;
#            }
#            strRet=strSource.substring(iOffset,iEnd);
#        }
#    }
#    return(strRet);
#// IE4 now supports the property, so allow any
#// browser with a version of 4 or more to use it:
#if( ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" ) ||
#parseInt( navigator.appVersion.substring( 0, 1 ) ) >= 4 ) ) {
#    q =,;
#} else {
#    var qoffset = document.location.indexOf("?", 0);
#    if( qoffset == -1 ) {
# q = "";
#    }
#    q = document.location.substring(qoffset + 1, document.location.length);
# paramID = GetToken(q, "ID" , ",");
# if ( paramID == 1)
#Pack_1_MA",width=10,height=10); go(); }
# else if ( paramID == 2)
#Pack_2_MA",width=10,height=10); go(); }
# else if ( paramID == 3)
#th=5,height=5); go(); }
# else if ( paramID == 4)
#th=5,height=5); go(); }
# else {
# location.href="";
# }
#function go() {
#// -->
#Thats the example thats used at my site...i cut down the amount of
#dl's...but because im using ASP on the server, i could also do that like
#Dim filenum
#filenum = Request.QueryString("id")
#If filenum = "1" Then
#Response.Write("Bad Boy! Try again!")
#End If
#And you would call this like:
#if there were more querystrings, it would look like this:
#Note the "&" if there are more than one querystrings!!
#----- Original Message -----
#From: "3x" <>
#To: "HTML-list" <>
#Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 5:29 PM
#Subject: JHTML
#> Somewhere on the web I came across some 'JHTML' pages.
#> Does anyone know what the abbriviation stands for and in what respect
#> pages differ from regular HTML-pages?
#> I also sometimes see URLs adressing an HTML-page that end with a query,
#> when a CGI-script is adressed:
#> Does this mean that it's possible to pass data among HTML-pages in some
#> And what kind of data would that be?
#> Thanks for your help
#> Marco

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2000 17:50:53 UTC