Re: Alt attribute for unimportant images

On 2000-07-11, Walter Ian Kaye wrote:

>  At 08:53p +0200 07/11/2000, Jan Roland Eriksson didst inscribe upon 
>an electronic papyrus:
>>So the answer to your question would be  ALT=""
>  I *strongly* DISagree, for the following reasons:
>    * MSIE displays "(Image)" instead of "" (when image loading is off)

Then MSIE is broken.

>    * Lynx does not show <A HREF><IMG ALT=""></A> links

If it's a link, the image is not for decoration only. Describe the 
link instead!

>    * Old versions of Lynx display "[IMAGE]" instead of ""

Then it was broken.

>  If you use ALT=" " then these problems go away.
>  Therefore:
>    * Important images get captions for ALT

This discussion is about unimportant images. (See the subject.)
Christian Ottosson

Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2000 03:22:39 UTC