RE: Status of Frames in HTML 4 (was: errata, /xhtml1)

The HTML 4 spec should mention that frames and <A target>
are deprecated.  Errata, perhaps?

Frame markup isn't in the HTML 4 Strict DTD, and frames
are gone from the XHTML 1.1 WD.  But it shouldn't be a

Dave J Woolley <> wrote (re: A target):
> 	Also, target is meaningful without frames, as it
> 	causes a new window to be opened in a way that falls
> 	back cleanly to old browsers (unlike scripting 
> 	solutions).

Hmm.  It depends on what you mean by "meaningful".
I guess you could say that it has a behavioral meaning,
for browsers on big screens that have windows, anyway.
User-hostile [1], but meaningful.

[1] Top-10 New Mistakes of Web Design (Alertbox May 1999)

Jason Orendorff

Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 11:13:26 UTC