RE: Status of Frames in HTML 4 (was: errata, /xhtml1)

At 11:12 AM 1/11/00 -0500, wrote:
>The HTML 4 spec should mention that frames and <A target>
>are deprecated.  Errata, perhaps?

They aren't deprecated in HTML 4. 

>Frame markup isn't in the HTML 4 Strict DTD, 

never were

>and frames
>are gone from the XHTML 1.1 WD.  But it shouldn't be a

It isn't. But you can't expect a spec that allows them to look forward to a
spec that changes the situation. We don't retroactively edit a spec to say
"oh, and these will be deprecated in that spec 2 iterations forward". 

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Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 11:23:54 UTC