Re: Device upload for all platforms -- the official HTML WG position

Dear Dr. Pemberton,

Thank you for your message.  I hope this one gets through.  Some 
of my email to W3C lists (e.g., www-forms) has not appeared in 
the archives.

You state that there are comments regarding how the device upload 
proposal can be improved.  Please publish them, with my replies to 
them.  My understanding is that there are no unresolved issues.

> for instance for device independence

The device upload proposal --
is the epitome of device independence -- it has an extensible 
"device" attribute, after all.  This line of argument is disingenuous,
and I hope it is not representative of the official position of the
W3C.  Please let me know.

> The WG is currently working on revised forms, and any device upload
> would be in the context of that work.

You refer to the extensive re-design of forms using XML, which 
will require substantial replacement of both client and server
software.  I do not wish my work to be associated with that 
effort.  First, the device upload proposal requires only changes 
in web clients, not CGI script processing software or other 
server software.  More importantly, the "XForms" work is 
currently scheduled for completion in the forth quarter.  Why 
should people on non-wintel platforms wait that long for a way 
to record audio?  As you know, I participated in the XForms work,
but I think it would be a mistake for me to resume participation.

Please accept the device upload submission from General Magic 
as a Working Draft, on Recommendation track.

James Salsman

Received on Monday, 28 February 2000 12:56:27 UTC