Re: inline CSS (was: is anyone interested in XHTML?)

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Murray Altheim wrote:

> I don't recall even once the HTML WG discussing EOL'ing the
> <style> element, nor do I think that would be within anyone's best
> interests.

I agree.  Also, it's worth pointing out that, specificity rules aside,
a style attribute and an ID selector are exactly equivalent in scope,
and that ID selectors in *external* (i.e. re-usable) stylesheets don't
make much sense, because IDs are specific to document instances. (In
general, you do *not* want to re-use IDs like this.)  So, ID-selector
rules don't really belong anywhere except in a document's <style>
element, and since they do exist, the style attribute is strictly


Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2000 22:37:34 UTC