RE: is anyone interested in XHTML?

That doesn't surprise me one little bit.

As a member of that group myself I am highly interested in the XMLisation of
HTML, however it's not really something that will be an immediate, practical
consideration for a while yet. Whilst XML itself opens up a wide (infinate?)
range of possible, context-aware applications, XHTML merely alows HTML
documents to be parsed as XML - it's hardly going to set the word alight or
- in the shortterm - going to justify the cost to convert existing HTML

In addition, whilst within my own company we are attempting to make new
sites we build XHTML conformant, the meandering discussions on this list
(mostly over my head, though I can see the underlying issues) suggest to me
that this is not a technology ripe for widespread deployment yet. If we
can't even agree how to reference the DTD... ;-)

(In the 'real' world we're still waiting for CSS2 and a unified DOM)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon St.Laurent []

> I'm having a very hard time finding _anyone_ in the regular 
> Web development
> world who is excited about XHTML - or even interested.

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2000 06:56:40 UTC