Re: identify XHTML DTD by URI, not by FPI

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Murray Altheim wrote:

> Is this just filibustering, 

 !?  <- confused

> or is there some deep architectural issue that you might let us in
> on?

Well, so far there's some, uh, gospel at

though why unendorsed personal notes - it's apparently a prerogative
of The Personage to place such stuff outside the sub-hierarchy of his
personal pages - should be considered so binding or definitive, beats
me.  (It must be me, but I find the first paragraph of that Revelation
ludicrously presumptuous and patronizing.)

> This is really quite simple. Let us keep using:
>     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"
>     ""
> and not force us to use:
>     SYSTEM
>     ""
> or whatever it is this week. 

So long as PUBLIC identifiers are a part of the XML spec, not to
provide one is an issue of policy, not of specification.  While such a
policy could be in the W3C's interests, I still see no reason to make
any claim about the interests of the Web Community.


Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2000 23:34:50 UTC