Re: identify XHTML DTD by URI, not by FPI

Dan Connolly wrote:
> I do not propose to foreclose any options. Members of the Web Community
> are free to use FPIs if they find them to be valuable. But you have
> not made any argument (other than by assertion) as to what value
> W3C would derive from the use of an FPI to identify the XHTML Basic DTD.

And I've heard nothing remotely persuasive that would give cause to 
remove an existing functionality, ie., that created by the availability
of both public and system identifiers. It should be up to you to show
cause for removal of completely legal, common, and demonstrably useful
XML syntax, not us for its continuance. 

W3C process apparently requires us to answer every question, no matter 
how obtuse. The answer I've provided is that some find public identifiers
very useful and see no justification from you that public ids are in any
way harmful or that the functionality they afford is not desired or even
required in some environments. What more do you require? Several weeks of
intense debate? Should we spend so much time and energy on every question?
I look back on the history of this process both in ours and other WGs and
it is quite apparent that you expect responses to your questions to be 
taken much more seriously and given much more weight than those coming 
from 'the Whole World'.

And what the hell is this really all about, Dan? I generally have a lot
of respect for your opinion, but you've really lost me on this one. Is 
this just filibustering, or is there some deep architectural issue that 
you might let us in on? 

This is really quite simple. Let us keep using:

    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"

and not force us to use:


or whatever it is this week. 


Murray Altheim                            <mailto:altheim&#x40;>
XML Technology Center
Sun Microsystems, Inc., MS MPK17-102, 1601 Willow Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025

   the honey bee is sad and cross and wicked as a weasel 
   and when she perches on you boss she leaves a little measle -- archy

Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2000 04:32:29 UTC