RE: XHTML Invalidity / WML2 / New XHTML 1.1 Attribute

Christian Smith:

> Beter:
> <!-- 
> <date>8/11/2000</date>
> <author>Chris Jones</author>
> <status>Review</status>
> <reference>bluemoon.gif</reference>
> <content>
> 	The bluemoon.gif file is just a placeholder logo
> 	Maddy says Dave has a friend who does graphic design
> 	and he is going to do something fancy in exchange for
> 	some work he needs Dave to do (I'm not asking, I don't want to know)
> </content>
> -->

Interesting! I've never thought about using actual mark-up inside
comments like that.
> Sure, it's more work but the result is infinitely more useful (the
> mathematical proof of this statement is left as an exercise to 
> the reader).

Now how do I reliably make use of the marked-up contents inside such a
comment, e.g. using an XSLT stylesheet? Can I change the actual
contents of the page based upon info inside the comment? Keep in mind
that XML parsers are entitled to discard all comments.

Using comment attributes it would be quite easy to e.g. with XSLT 
discard all img elements that has a certain value for the comment 
attribute. How would I do that with your kind of comments?

                          Bertilo Wennergren

Received on Friday, 11 August 2000 11:04:34 UTC