Also sprach Murray Altheim:

 > "HTML" documents in theory should be viewable on any browser that 
 > implements the specification, but unfortunately HTML 4.0's spec allows
 > for such wide variance and requires support for CSS (itself an impossibility)
 > that I hardly blame MS and NS for not having compliant browsers.

Impossibility? Both Opera and Netscape (through Mozilla) have now
implemented CSS1 fully. It wasn't that hard, actually...

 > The ability to create many varieties of interoperable markup languages
 > based on a common framework (XML and its family of specs, XLink, XSL,
 > etc.) relies on people abandoning proprietary markup (and in this I 
 > include a wide array of non-XML Web "features" such as CSS, JavaScript,
 > the current HTML linking syntax, etc.) and begin using truly 
 > interoperable markup. A new baseline for interoperability, a new era 
 > based on XML, XLink and XSL.

As you know, CSS works well with XML documents and it's not
proprietary -- it's described in two W3C Recommendations. Your
"new-era"-speak reminds me of the vocabulary used to describe SGML a
decade ago. Truly interoperable? I think I prefer the Web, warts and


Håkon Wium Lie                                           gets you there faster

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 1999 14:30:55 UTC