Re: OnLoad Problem in Netscape

"Ravindra Sharma" <> on 30/07/99 05:19:30 AM

cc:    (bcc: Francisco Garcia/MAD/DMR/CA)
Subject:  OnLoad Problem in Netscape

I facing following problems with IE and Netscape browsers.

1. Problem With netscape browser: I have written a OnLoad function to change
some hidden fields and label of buttons in the document. BUT if
resize the netscape browser window it somehow refresh the document
and assigns the original value back to those fields and labels
to those buttons and DOES NOT CALL THE OnLoad FUNCTION AGAIN.
     This is big problem for me. How do I remove this problem?

IE does not have problem with this.

2. Problem With IE: I have button which has onClick function. At run time
I want to change the onClick function at runtime (i.e. after page
is loaded). Netscape allows to change as follows (in OnLoad function):

document.forms[0].button_name.onClick = newOnClickHandler;

But the same thing does not work under IE. Is that anyway to achieve
the same behavior in IE.


     1.- Look at meta http-equiv´s surely there is a PRAGMA or CACHE-CONTROL
option (I don´t remember which, think is the first one) with CONTENT="no-cache"
just put it off.

Francisco Javier García

Received on Friday, 30 July 1999 03:18:20 UTC