Re: viewable vs downloadble attachment links

At 1:51p -0800 01/11/99, Ian Hickson wrote:
>In IE, for example, if you download the file by right clicking (left
>clicking if the mouse is mirrored) on it and choose "Save target" (or
>something) then it will save it to disk and not bring the associated
>application up. In lynx, you press "D" for "Download", and then select
>what you wish to do with the file from the menu. In Opera, it's a
>right (left) click and select "Save Link Document As". In Emacs/W3,
>you press "d" and then give a file name. In Netscape 4, it's a right
>(left) click and select "Save Link As". In Netscape 3, a shift-click
>does it.

And on a Mac, where there's no such thing as a "right click" since there
is only one button, it's a press-and-hold on the link until the popup
menu appears. (Or possibly a control-click, as I just discovered works
in MSIE 4.5 to get the contextual menu right away.)

The suggestion to compress large files is a good one. ;)

>(There is also the issue of ensuring the server sends the right mime
>type, a subject that often crops up...)

Yes, that's important too. .htaccess files are fun. :)


Received on Monday, 11 January 1999 17:51:26 UTC