Re: HTML question

At 9:04p +0000 05/08/97, SINGH SATWINDER (516) 434-6274 wrote:

 > The construct is in following format in the document
 > <DL>
 > This is test1
 > <DL>
 > This is test2
 > <\DL>
 > <\DL>

It looks as though "they" were trying to achieve a 2-level indent, using
tags which were not really meant for that purpose. Even so, they should
have included the <DD>s... ;)

I think the nicest way to handle it would be to assume the text is preceded
by a <DD>:

    <DD>This is test1
       <DD>This is test2

The author was most likely trying to achieve the following effect:

Lorem ipsum dolor amet
ipsum amet lorem

    This is test1
        This is test2

Lorem ipsum dolor amet
ipsum amet lorum

  Walter Ian Kaye <boo_at_best*com>    Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Thursday, 8 May 1997 17:34:53 UTC