Fwd: Re: Israeli HTML Standard


Most Hebrew web pages in Israel are still using Visual ordering (ISO-8859-8).
This is mainly because the browsers for the Implicit ordering are missing ;
Visual is what work best for all. If the standard will not allows using
Visual ordering (ISO-8859-8) as a possibility it mean that only in Israel,
people that have a Hebrew Version of the operating system will be able to
view this pages. Currently there are many people outside Israel who reads
Hebrew pages on the web and do not have a Hebrew version of the operating

I do agree that Visual ordering of bidirectional text is *not* the best way
to go. However, for the current time until the Unicode standard will be the
dominant and all pages will be using it, the only way to view Hebrew all over
the world is by using the Visual ordering, with all the difficulties that
comes with it.

Most Hebrew web pages use this order not because it is easier to write pages
this way but since they are aware of the problems that comes with the Logical
order. There are some companies in Israel, *with large interest in this
market*  that tries to shift the market to use the Logical order and the fact
is that more and more *new* web sites are coming up with the Visual order

I think that the HTML standard *must* include the Visual standard
(ISO-8859-8) as one of the valid options to create HTML pages and strongly
appose to ignore it.

Sincerely Yours,

| David Rashty               Rashty@www.huji.ac.il                  __o    |
| Computation Center         Bitnet: rashty@hujivms               _ \<,_   |
| The Hebrew University      Phone:  +972-2-6584397     Weebbb.. (_)/ (_)  |
| Givat-Ram Campus           Fax:    +972-2-6527349                        |
| Jerusalem 91904, ISRAEL.                               Visit our Webs at |
|                                                          WWW.HUJI.AC.IL  |
| URL http://www.huji.ac.il/rashty                                         |

Received on Sunday, 15 June 1997 01:02:45 UTC