Re: Specifying the width of table cells

In article <v03102863afee8d645a07@[]>,
Walter Ian Kaye <> wrote:
> At 3:13p +0200 07/13/97, Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet wrote:
>  >
>  > I've always wondered why you'd want to set the width of
>  > *one* cell in a column. I can understand HEIGHT on a TR,
>  > but should WIDTH on, say, the last TD in a column apply
>  > to all earlier cells in that column too? That would
>  > require that the entire table is redrawn.
> The reason you'd want to set the width of *one* cell in a column:
> [snip example]
> This allows the table to be scalable to different browser widths,
> something I consider of *extreme* importance.

I don't follow. Aren't you setting the width of the leftmost *column*
here? If so, why would the information about the column's width
belong in a *cell* in that column, and not in the table's COLS or 
COLGROUP attribute?

Frankly, I don't see how defining the width of one cell is different
from defining the width of the column it is in. Or should in something
like this

<TR><TD WIDTH=200>....
<TR><TD WIDTH=100>....

the first cell partially overlap the second column or something?

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