Re: Specifying the width of table cells

At 3:13p +0200 07/13/97, Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet wrote:
 > I've always wondered why you'd want to set the width of
 > *one* cell in a column. I can understand HEIGHT on a TR,
 > but should WIDTH on, say, the last TD in a column apply
 > to all earlier cells in that column too? That would
 > require that the entire table is redrawn.

The reason you'd want to set the width of *one* cell in a column:

Browser A:

   /------------ Browser Window A ------------\
   <table width="100%">
   | TD width=120 |                           |

Browser B:

   /--------------------- Browser Window B ---------------------\
   <table width="100%">
   | TD width=120 |                                             |

This allows the table to be scalable to different browser widths,
something I consider of *extreme* importance.

  Walter Ian Kaye <boo_at_best*com>    Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Sunday, 13 July 1997 10:03:25 UTC