Re: WHICH HTML-CODE is better to use?

At 03:27 AM 4/11/97 +0000, Robert Rothenburg 'Walking-Owl' graced us with:
» I think NCSA will not bother with the 302 and just automatically 
» return the default when given a URL like

Dick Vile replied to the question with the following:
» I run NCSA httpd 1.5 on my workstation (inside our firewall). It generates
» a 301 (not 302) for URL's w/o trailing slash.
» Here's the relevant code (from http_send.c):
» /* Path Alias (pa) array should now have the trailing slash */
»   /*  if (pa[0] != '/') { */
»   if ((reqInfo->filename[strlen(reqInfo->filename) - 1] != '/') && 
»       (pa[0] != '/')) {
»     char url[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
»     strcpy_dir(ifile,reqInfo->url);
»     construct_url(url,reqInfo->hostInfo,ifile);
»     escape_url(url);
»     die(reqInfo,SC_REDIRECT_PERM,url);
»   }


Steven Champeon                  !  Funky towel,
Web Guru/Intranet Builder        !        towel's got the funk.             !   - Joe's Apartment

Received on Friday, 11 April 1997 09:57:53 UTC