Re: HTML 3.2

> >In, the DIV element is defined as:
> >   DIV document divisions
> >      Requires start and end tags. It is used with the ALIGN
> >      attribute to set the text alignment of the block of 
> >      elements it contains. ALIGN can be one of LEFT, CENTER, or
> >      RIGHT.
> >
> >Why is there no mentioning of its structural purpose of grouping together
> >related elements.
> I'm not sure. Dave put that write-up together in short order.
> I'm sure he intends to revise it. Perhaps you could suggest some
> wording?
How about:

   DIV document divisions
      Groups related elements together. Can be used with the CLASS
      attribute to create meaningful document divisions such as
      Chapter, Section, and Sub-section. 
      Can be used with ALIGN attribute to set the text alignment of the
      block of elements it conains. ALIGN can be one of LEFT, CENTER, or
      RIGHT. Requires start and end tags.

> I think the issue of the CLASS attribute could be opened up.
I agree.

> We haven't decided whether putting CLASS in there will increase or
> decrease confusion, since it doesn't have any observable effect in
> many cases.

It does have observable effects. HTML validation tools will whine about
CLASS if it isn't part of the DTD. Scripts that process HTML will do
different things with different classes of elements. 

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 1996 11:28:34 UTC