Re: HTML 3.2

Everybody seems to airing their favorite gripe about HTML 3.2, so here is

In, the DIV element is defined as:
   DIV document divisions
      Requres start and end tags. It is used with the ALIGN
      attribute to set the text alignment of the block of 
      elements it contains. ALIGN can be one of LEFT, CENTER, or

Why is there no mentioning of its structural purpose of grouping together
related elements.

The FrameMaker HTML Export facility I'm working on will create documents
    <DIV CLASS="Chapter">
     <DIV CLASS="Section">
     <DIV CLASS="Section">
    <DIV CLASS="Chapter">
     <DIV CLASS="Section">
     <DIV CLASS="Section">
There is no alignment implied. Am I missing something.
Is this reasonable HTML 3.2 markup?

By the way, is there an HTML 3.2 spec? I found a DTD and a features
at a glance document, but no spec.

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 1996 18:11:14 UTC