Re: Object Tags

On Fri, 12 Jul 1996, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> After all, do want your document indexed by its picture
> descriptions or by its real headings?

   Okay, lets say I have a graphics for my headlines--maybe 3d beveled 
letters to make the headlines stand out on the page in a graphical 
browser. Which of these would be better?:

    <OBJECT data=about.gif>
    <H2>About Our Company</H2>

    <OBJECT data=about.gif>
    About Our Company

 Daniel G. Delaney                             Computer Coordinator              University Publications
                                           University of Louisville
 aka: Dionysos, Belteshazzar                           502-852-0716
      T H E   L O U I S V I L L E   T I M E S   C H O R U S
                  a     c  a  p  p  e  l  l  a

Received on Friday, 12 July 1996 17:14:22 UTC