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The HTML WG is about to be shut down. You may send your suggestion to
At 12:36 PM 7/12/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello Mr. Sink,
> The HTML is growing in leaps and bounds and I
>don't know hwo is controling the growth. It seems
>like much of it is being driven by Netscape.
> Since you are the chaair of the HTML WG I'm
>writing to you to suggest an enhancement to the
> I would like to see a command that can be sent
>to printers to do a page eject or new page. I have
>designed pages and then cut them up into smaller
>pages (URLs) so the reader doesn't have to print a
>bunch of stuff he/she doesn't want. I'd
>like to be able to have the title to a table
>at the start of the page above the table
>rather than the last line of printed text on
>one page and the table on the next page. Hmmm...
>at first glance the response is probably that thre
>are many printers many of which use different
>control codes so how would we have one code for all
>printers? I don't know the answer but that
>doesn't mean there is one. Also I have several
>sections in a page and would like the printing of
>the title of the new section at the start of a new
>page rather than at the bottom of the prior page.
>I could add <pre>...</pre> or <br><br> to force
>more lines to get that title a little further down
>but one never knows how others have their printers
>set up. I have mine at say 54 lines/page but the
>next person may theirs set for 56 lines/page.
>Hmmm... maybe their might be a way to highlight
>a section on a displayed page for printing. Well
>this wouldn't be HTML but a function of Netscape or
>my Windows program, I guess. How about if we had a
>HTML code for hard page that could be recognized
>by the windows or browser software which could
>know about what printer I have and send the
>approriate printer code. Browser options could be
>set up for me to specify the printer I use.
> Anyway that is what I want so I can display my
>information better on printed media as well as
>displayed media.
> Thanks.
>James R. Davis, Sacramento, CA
>or respond to the computer that sent this.
Eric W. Sink, Code Grinch
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