Re: background problem...HELP!!

> I have a client who wants more than anything to 
> have a background that is a fade from top to bottom.

Glad to hear you say that ... ;-)

Have a look at the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1) specification. This
allows you to specify two background colours which will be smoothly 
faded in a given direction. Clearly this is much faster and 
more modem-friendly than actually sending an image of the fade, plus
it copes with any window size (although your 50 x 1045 image is a good
attempt at that).

There is also the facility to have background images that are fixed 
relative to the window (not the page). I saw this used last week to fix 
a company logo at the bottom right of each slide in a presentation, 
without having to have lots of <br> or anything. Check out:
or for general background,

Chris Lilley, Technical Author and JISC representative to W3C 
|  Manchester and North Training & Education Centre   ( MAN T&EC )  |
| Computer Graphics Unit,             Email: |
| Manchester Computing Centre,        Voice: +44 161 275 6045       |
| Oxford Road, Manchester, UK.          Fax: +44 161 275 6040       |
| M13 9PL                            BioMOO: ChrisL                 |
| Timezone: UTC        URI: | 

Received on Monday, 15 January 1996 05:52:45 UTC