Re: My Friday-Before-Labor-Day Diatribe [Was: Frame document structure]

David Perrell wrote:
> Murray Altheim wrote:
> > with the structure of online knowledge and information. It's as if
> our
> > browsers and documents were busy getting breast implants and
> liposuction,
> > rather than concentrating on improving their content, personality,
> utility,
> > wisdom.
> That's sexist. There's no reason a wise browser with personality
> can't have big tits and still be content-rich and utilizable.

Murray didn't say they can't, but that they aren't.
Or do you want to defend that MSIE and Netscape _do_ care
about content delivery in the same way as they do for
"whiz-bang gizmos"?

I wished the Web was being used to deliver information,
but currently, there is more to find on Usenet and ftp
sites than on HTML pages. I seldom `browse' the web
anymore, and I've haven't written a piece of HTML in
months. It just isn't making sense anymore.

Abigail - quite disappointed about the web and html.

Received on Friday, 30 August 1996 17:03:46 UTC