Re: Proposed refinements to HTML 3.0: motivations

In message <01HY05817LMQ0047G1@IPDUNIVX.UNIPD.IT>, MEZZETTI@pdmat1.math.unipd.i
t writes:
>I wish to propose some emendations to HTML Version 3.0.

Note that the March '94 HTML 3.0 draft is out-of-date.
We're not really looking for comments on that document.
If you have a proposal, you should submit it as a
stand-alone proposal, not an ammendment to an old

For details see:

An excertp follows:

Q: What's the relationship between the the W3 Consortium, HTML 2.0,
HTML+, HTML 3.0, the HTML working group of the IETF, and services like
the HalSoft HTML validation service and BrowserCaps?

A: They are all part of the W3 Consortium's plan to lead the
development of HTML.

The HTML 2.0 Standard, sets a baseline for reliable interoperability
on the web and rigorously defines HTML as an SGML application.

The HTML working group of the IETF, originally organized by Dan
Connolly, provides a completely open forum where all interested
parties -- W3C, software vendors, and other organizations and
individuals alike -- can propose and/or review HTML
specifications. The HTML 2.0 specification has extensively reviewed in
this context, and ratified as an IETF Proposed Standard, RFC 1866.

The HTML+ discussion document and the HTML 3.0 draft specification are
snapshots of Dave Raggett's vision of the future of HTML. Those
documents are obsolete, but Dr. Raggett is now the lead architect on
the HTML project at W3C and the HTML 3 feature set is undergoing
extensive testing, refinement, and review.

The features set forth in those drafts bring the critical features of
conventional desktop publishing technology to HTML, without
sacrificing device independence. The proposals also accomodate
extensibility through stylesheets and embedded objects (aka applets).



Received on Thursday, 23 November 1995 23:48:46 UTC