Dynamic Document

I wrote a perl script to display five graphics one by one with five
seconds between every two graphics.  the funny thing is the screen
keeps blank for about 25 seconds, then the graphics just came out with 
no delay between them.  
Is anyone know waht is going on? Is that because the buffer, like the
perl program put all its results in the buffer, then display them after
the program complete.(that is about 25 seconds.)

Thank you for the help.

| Ke Yin			| Email Address:                    | 
| Computer Network Admin.	|   kyin@hpmail2.fwrdc.rtsg.mot.com |
| Motorola   CIG		| Phone: (817)245-6392 		    |
| 5505 N. Beach St.     	| Pager: (817)827-6330  	    |
| Fort Worth, TX 76137 		| Fax:   (817)232-6279              |

Received on Tuesday, 25 July 1995 12:46:09 UTC