inconsistency in HTML 4.0 specification


I'd like to point out an inconsistency in HTML 4.0 specification.
Let's take:

13.6.1 Client-side image maps.....

attribute: "coords" 
shape: "poly"

You define number and order of values as:

OK, I know that in a case of triangle I have to specify exactly
three pairs of coordinates (BTW you don't define if clockwise
or anticlockwise). 

However, in the example below you show:

shape="poly", coords="276,0,373,28,50,50,276,0"

The last pair of coordinates is the same as the first, i.e. the shape
is formally closed. 

You do not require in the definition to repeat the starting point
coordinates while in the example you repeat it.

It seems to me at least the examples (there are more) should be
corrected.  If not the specification itself.


Maciek Uhlig
University of Silesia, Computer Center, Katowice, Poland

Received on Monday, 26 January 1998 07:57:07 UTC