Use of target with frames

The current specification needs to clarify the desired behavior when
multiple frames have the same NAME attribute. This can lead to behavior
which the document author did not intend.

A document containing frames 'contents' and 'docbody' has a link to
another document which is displayed in frame 'docbody'. This document
turns out to be a multi-frame document and has a 'contents' frame of its
own - where do targeted links to 'contents' in the nested document
actually get displayed?

Netscape and Microsoft currently have slightly different algorithms for
finding the named target.

Does the search proceed first to close siblings and then to more remote
frames in the current window and then eventually to different browser

This needs to be properly specified.

As a safeguard, perhaps there is a need for a new attribute on the FRAME
tag to indicate that this frame is not replaceable by targeted links.


Peter Wilson

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 1997 14:32:22 UTC