Re: XPath discrepancy


DL boolean(instance('inst')/teiHeader/fileDesc/editionStmt/edition[@n='closet']='true')

This works with formsPlayer, but not Mozilla.

DL boolean(instance('inst')/teiHeader/fileDesc/editionStmt/edition[@n='closet' 
DL and .='true'])

This works with both. Thanks. I was generating the XForms document 
serverside and was doing browser sniffing anyway, so it wasn't a show 
stopper. But it shaves a few lines off my XSLT script.

The first version returns boolean even without the boolean(), so it isn't 
so surprising that this doesn't change the result. But it is odd that 
formsPlayer doesn't do the conversion of nodeset to boolean and that 
Mozilla doesn't recognise a boolean when it sees one. I'll get onto the 
relevant people.


Received on Monday, 27 February 2006 11:25:51 UTC